At the end of the Clinton administration the US Department of Education
funded a project with The Grove and The Institute for the Future to
create a Storymap of the Educational Technology Horizon. Technology
research from IFTF was blended with input from two focus groups with
educational thought leaders to create this map. It's not readable here,
but is an example of the kind of map that a group will use to learn
about a new field, by reading over the various areas of information and
discussing key questions. The map was designed in layers. The
silhouettes along the bottom represent various classes af stakeholders.
The next layer of roadways are the various technologies, grouped in five
categories. They were definited in a border area to the right. The
bubbles above the horizon depict storyies about possible uses of these
technologies. Half the bubble is a real story and the bottom half is a
projection of what is possible. These were organized around "free play,"
"group exploration," "individual instruction," and "orchestrated
learning," corresponding with four learning arenas identified by the
Institute for Research on Learning. This map is available through The
Grove store. I led the project, facilitated the thought leader
gatherings, and was a lead conceptual designer along with the Grove and
IFTF team. The final map was created in Adobe Illustrator by Tiffany
Forner on The Grove staff.
Curtsey :
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