To remain enthusiastic and committed in their work, teachers need environments that promote meaningful learning.
do teachers move from simply surviving to actively thriving in the
profession? How do they go from dreading the trials and tribulations
that each day brings to instead welcoming the challenges awaiting them?
been a classroom teacher myself (as well as the wife of one teacher and
the mother of another), I know it takes a great deal of dedication to
walk into school every day with enthusiasm, energy, and love, often in
spite of conditions that make doing so a constant struggle. Yet some
teachers do it all the time, and many remain in the classroom for years
with a commitment that is nothing short of inspirational. These teachers
(including my husband and daughter) have been the source of my
admiration as well as much of my work. Throughout the years, I have
explored the question of why and how they do it.
research has made it clear that previous experiences as well as values,
dispositions, and beliefs fuel teachers’ determination to remain in the
profession. Sensibilities such as love, engaging with intellectual
work, the hope of changing students’ lives, a belief in the democratic
potential of public education, and anger at the conditions of public
education are all at the heart of what makes for excellent and caring
teachers (Nieto, 2003). Attitudes and values such as a sense of mission;
solidarity with, and empathy for, students; the courage to challenge
mainstream knowledge and conventional wisdom; improvisation; and a
passion for social justice are teachers’ motivations for entering the
profession (Nieto, 2005).
the other hand, teachers have never mentioned to me that teaching
students how to take tests, learning to follow rubrics and templates, or
heeding district mandates concerning the latest basal reader helped to
keep them in the classroom or made teaching a rewarding experience.
Although these tools and techniques may be helpful, truly “highly
qualified teachers” have never viewed them as ends in themselves.
experience has shown me that a number of conditions sustain teachers’
energy and commitment to keep going. These include policies and
practices at the school and district levels and attitudes and actions on
the part of teachers themselves.
School and District Conditions
of state licensing requirements, all teachers must engage in
professional development both before they enter the profession and
periodically afterward. In spite of such requirements, too often
teachers find that their professional development is both inadequate and
irrelevant. For example, a survey of more than 5,000 teachers
concerning their preparedness to teach found that fewer than 45 percent
had participated in professional development programs focused on
teaching students of diverse cultural backgrounds; worse still, only 26
percent had any training at all in working with students of diverse
language backgrounds (Parsad, Lewis, & Farris, 2001). Yet the
reality is that students of color and those for whom English is a second
language go to school in every city and state. They are found
increasingly in rural districts, and in many places, they are the
addition, in spite of the ineffectiveness of short-term and
whole-school professional development activities, these kinds of
programs remain ubiquitous in schools. Mandated professional development
activities—in which administrators select the topics and teachers are a
captive audience for a half or whole day—are notoriously unproductive.
The result is often frustration and resentment on the part of teachers,
dissatisfaction on the part of administrators, and a fruitless
allocation of scarce resources.
Give Teachers Choices
the most significant action school districts can take in changing the
nature of professional development is to provide meaningful and engaging
programs that respect the intelligence and good will of teachers and
help them grow in terms of knowledge, awareness, and practice. Such
professional development is characterized by teachers’ ability to select
the topics they want to learn more about and the opportunity to work
collaboratively with colleagues.
instance, in a yearlong inquiry group with high school teachers in
Boston, Massachusetts, Stephen Gordon, a veteran teacher of English,
wrote about his frustration with the traditional character of
professional development:
am not looking for prescriptions for teachers. I am not looking for
narrow “silver-bullet” programs that script teacher behaviors using some
quasi-scientific rationale.
want to find ways to teach that embody the several theories and beliefs
that I have come to believe are true and good, truths and knowledge
that have consequence for educating urban children. I can do little
about the injustice and racism that permeate our institutions. I want to
create pedagogy that makes me feel I have done my best. (Nieto, 2003,
p. 86)
Encourage Partnerships
and universities can support meaningful research opportunities by
providing long-term collaborations that enable teachers to earn master’s
degrees or professional development units. One example is the Access to
Critical Content and English Language Acquisition (ACCELA) Alliance
a joint project with the Springfield and Holyoke Public Schools in
Massachusetts in which I was involved with my colleagues at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The goal was for regular classroom
teachers to learn about, and develop strategies for working with,
English language learners, most of whom were Hispanic. Most of the
classrooms in both school districts included students who were learning
English, and in some of these classrooms, they were actually in the
majority. Yet most teachers had received little, if any, previous
training in working with this population or in building relationships
with their students’ families.
provided courses, technical assistance, and research opportunities for
teachers to learn more about their students, as well as about language
and literacy development, children’s literature, and family outreach
(Gebhard & Willett, 2008). The individual or joint research in which
teachers engaged resulted in projects in which teachers not only honed
their skills, but also developed greater confidence in working with
students who were learning English. In the process, they learned about
the sociocultural realities of Latino children and families and about
teaching students effectively despite the strains of living in poverty.
When teachers learned new ways of working with English language
learners, the results ranged from improved student math skills to
increased advocacy on the part of students as demonstrated by, among
other activities, writing petitions to reclaim recess (Gebhard, Habana
Hafner, & Wright, 2004; Gebhard, Harman, & Seger, 2007). Even
more significant, many teachers developed strong relationships with
families that will, in the long run, improve the education outcomes for
their students.
Foster an Open Climate
important condition that encourages teachers to remain in the
profession is a climate of openness, shared decision making, and
collaboration in the school. This means respecting the fact that
teachers are professionals who may not always agree with administrators.
Although it can be difficult for principals to have in their schools
teachers who challenge their policies and practices, this approach is
usually more constructive than running a school like a small fiefdom in
which teachers have little say and feel they are treated more as
technicians than as professionals.
Peterson, a high school English teacher in Boston, wrote about the
seeming contradiction of working for openness and change in a system
that is often bureaucratic and closed:
fellow teachers work in a system that trusts and expects them to know
how to respond to a suicidal student, a bomb threat, or a hate crime.
Yet this same system does not trust them to design the final exam for
their own course. They teach the glory of this nation’s struggle for
freedom and defense of individual rights and yet are asked to do so with
a curriculum that is standardized so that government agencies can
measure growth more efficiently. … We, who do this work, are caught in a
conundrum, working within the system to create change. (Peterson, 2005,
pp. 163–164)
Boston high school teacher, Ambrizeth Lima, wrote about why teachers
need to learn to question—and to teach their students to do so as well:
of learning is to question things that we take for granted, to discover
issues that need to be debated, to uncover hidden realities that need
to be transformed. The more we learn, the more burdened we are because
it becomes our responsibility to bring that knowledge to others, to make
it explicit, and to do something with it. (Lima, 2005, pp. 92–93)
is sometimes difficult to create conditions in schools that promote
dialogue, interaction, and collaboration, yet they can make a
significant difference in retaining good teachers.
Actions Teachers Should Take
attitudes, beliefs, values, and dispositions have a powerful influence
on why teachers teach and why they remain in the profession in spite of
difficult conditions that test their resolve. Certainly, there are many
dispositions, which include the love of students and subject matter; a
view of themselves as lifelong learners and intellectual workers; a deep
commitment to social justice; comfort with uncertainty; endless
patience; and, of course, a sense of humor.
instead of focusing on dispositions, I want to discuss three necessary
actions—or dispositions to actions—that need to flow from teachers’
Action 1: Learning About Themselves
number of years ago, my colleagues and I interviewed several alumni of
our teacher education program, which prepares all teachers, not just
bilingual or English as a second language teachers, to work with
language minority students (Gebhard, Austin, Nieto, & Willett,
2002). One of them was Mary Ginley, a veteran teacher of 30 years, who
had recently been selected Massachusetts Teacher of the Year.
spoke about why it had been necessary for her to learn more about
herself to become an effective teacher of students who were different
from her—and about how, for some teachers, this can be a difficult step:
went to a conference, and this teacher said to me, “I don’t understand
you! What is all this multicultural stuff? Why can’t we talk about how
we are the same?” And I said to her, “The problem is when we do that, we
are talking about how everybody is like us—white, middle class, and
monolingual.” I know she didn’t get it, but you have to step outside of
yourself … and it takes a lot of energy to bridge that cultural gap.
(Gebhard, Austin, et al., 2002, p. 233)
decided that her learning had to begin with an awareness and
reassessment of who she was, an examination of the unearned privileges
she had as a white teacher of mostly students of color, and her
unexamined preconceptions of the community in which she was teaching.
She threw herself wholeheartedly into this work because she knew that
her effectiveness as a teacher of children of backgrounds different from
her own depended on her doing so.
Action 2: Learning About Their Students
open and willing to learn about their students is a key component of
teachers’ learning. But this does not mean simply reading a book on
cultural differences or adding a unit on different family traditions.
Although these can be helpful activities, they may do little to inform
teachers about the students in their classrooms.
need to learn about the sociocultural realities of their students and
the sociopolitical conditions in which they live. The late Brazilian
educator Paulo Freire addressed this question eloquently when he wrote,
need to know what happens in the world of the children with whom they
work. They need to know the universe of their dreams, the language with
which they skillfully defend themselves from the aggressiveness of their
world, what they know independently of the school, and how they know
it. (Freire, 1998, pp. 72–73)
good example comes from Juan Figueroa, a young Boston public high
school teacher who knew “what happens in the world of the children”
because he shared similar experiences as an urban student. Juan said,
These kids were me.
You know, I grew up in the city too, and that’s what keeps me going.
All the other stuff you had was crazy, but it’s when you make that
one-to-one connection with a kid, and a kid finally says, “Now I get it!” that makes everything else seem so right. (Nieto, 2003, p. 42)
“what happens in the world of the children” is also necessary for
teachers who do not share the realities of their students. Mary Cowhey, a
1st and 2nd grade teacher, makes it her business to learn about her
students before the first day of class. For many years, I have asked
students in an education course I teach to write a letter to Freire
explaining how his ideas had influenced them and their practice (Nieto,
2008). Mary wrote,
write about reading the class. I guess I jump the gun. Part of how I
address my fear about the first day of school is to face it, as you
suggest. I spend the week before the first day of school visiting my
students’ homes, meeting the students and their families. I can’t wait
for the first day of school, and so I go out and read the students in
their neighborhoods, their homes, with their families. That way I know
where my students are coming from, literally. I know who their people
are. I know the names their families call them. I know what they are
proud of and what worries them. I begin to trust these families. My
students and their families begin to trust me. (Cowhey, 2005, p. 13)
to Mary, her August visits to students’ homes are the best investment
she makes all year because this is how she begins to really know her
Action 3: Developing Allies
teachers often ask me for advice to help them get through their first
year of teaching. My answer always is, “Make a friend.” By this I mean
that they should work to create a community because teaching, besides
being tremendously difficult, can also be an incredibly lonely
profession. I have found that when teachers develop allies, they remain
fresh, committed, and hopeful.
Gordon, one of the teachers in the Boston inquiry group, stressed the
significance of collaboration and relationship. I had asked the teachers
in the group, most of whom were veteran teachers, to write a letter of
advice to a new teacher. Stephen wrote,
survive and grow, I had to find colleagues who share my anger, hopes,
beliefs, and assumptions about students and teaching. When I discuss my
teaching with these caring colleagues, I work to specify exactly what
troubles me; I fight the fear that having problems means I am doing
something wrong. Sharing difficult truths and emotions has been
necessary for my personal and professional development. (Gordon, 2003,
p. 98)
hearing Stephen read a particularly moving piece he wrote about the
uncertainty of teaching, another teacher expressed a feeling that all
the teachers in the group shared. “You can kind of see why lots of
people don’t do this [work],” she said. “It’s so painful” (Nieto, 2003, p. 89). Yet this kind of collaborative work is necessary for teachers to learn and grow.
What Teachers Need
these actions is essential for thriving in the classroom. Nevertheless,
teachers cannot do it alone. They need the respect and support of
administrators and policymakers, who nowadays sometimes treat teachers
as little more than test givers. Teachers also need the support of the
general public, which seems to have lost its belief in the centrality of
public education in a democratic society. Instead, there is often a
general mean-spiritedness when it comes to teachers and students and an
indiscriminate belief in privatization schemes.
spite of the current climate, I have found that many of the most
dedicated and caring teachers have a deep reverence for the significance
of public education in a democratic society. Perhaps Jennifer Welborn, a
middle school science teacher, sums it up best. In an essay about why
she teaches, Jennifer wrote,
I may be naïve, but I believe that what I do day in and day out does make a difference. Teachers do
change lives forever. And I teach in public school because I still
believe in public school. I believe that the purpose of public school,
whether it delivers or not, is to give a quality education to all kids
who come through the doors. I want to be a part of that lofty mission.
The future of our country depends on the ability of public schools to do
that. (Welborn, 2005, p. 17)
many teachers are leaving the profession because the ideals that
brought them to teaching are fast disappearing. In addition, the status
of teachers has eroded tremendously in the past few decades, and the
conditions in which they work are often trying. If we are to keep good
teachers in the classroom, school administrators and policymakers, among
others, need to find ways to create environments in which teachers can
form strong collaborative relationships with their peers and in which
they can continue to learn about themselves, their students, and their
students’ communities. Until these things happen, survival will be the
most we can hope for. And survival is simply not good enough—for
teachers, for their students, or for the United States.
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