An e-classroom as
a hub of Quality Education has come up of late with lamination of
Innovation in Classrooms with time and tide. Scratching heads and making
the designs with the pen or the pencil in the class is actually a
common sight in a classroom of today if it is not mounted and reflected
by the sense of e-effect, the electronic fur in the classroom. The
distraction in the classroom otherwise is expected to roll out with
particular launch of the spectrum towards working or phasing out the
teaching and learning environment. What evaluates out of this
methodology is the systematic approach towards working for the better to
deliver the good out of the best.
As a matter of fact, the very use of technology in classrooms is
changing everything from the way pupils learn and the way teachers
teach, to the way parents and teachers communicate. There has to be an
updated broadband connection to the Internet in order to make it
possible for growing schools to provide the Quality Base and
Information of Learning with a comic effect which further details the
information towards the liking of the children in particular. The
emphasis is on the requirements which promotes the Smart Learning
Environment which offers the students and the staff access to all the
resources, online storage and communications tools they could ever need –
not just during the school day, but beyond it too. As a matter of fact,
further the New technologies go way beyond paper-and-pencil to enable
children to express themselves textually, graphically, numerically,
aurally or visually but also to allow children to discover new ways to
collaborate and learn.
The requirements in addition, as we know of observation, the overall,
learning today is much more interactive than it used to be. On
priority, the very Learning has had become significantly richer as
students have access to new and different types of information, they can
manipulate it on the computer through graphic displays or controlled
experiments in ways never before possible, and they can communicate the
results of their efforts to teachers through a variety of media. We
need to involve them, make them a learning partner and above all explore
their creativity further. New ways of obtaining and presenting
information have given students powerful new ways of analysing and
understanding the world around them, and research also shows that
children who use technology to support their learning are more motivated
and engaged.
With clarity and congestion, practically, Education is increasingly
infused with media content, which can distract students by leading them
into too many conflicting directions at once, discouraging their
commitment to any one path. Teaching ethics and international relations
in the classroom without borders is a commitment to our growth as human
beings in a world in desperate need of humanity during a time of moral
Classrooms today are more diverse than ever before. The same cannot
be said about text books, curriculum, and lesson plans. Teachers must
design lessons that are accessible to all students and reflect their
diversities. One has to as well, explore different approaches to
traditional learning systems and find out how to implement new
strategies to engage students in lessons. The teachers of the new
age of Demand and Liking need to be open to ADAPTING, Being Visionary
towards perfection, Collaborating of choice and energy with sharing of
routine operations towards betterment at ease and fraternity keeping the
audience in mind. He or she needs to be having a modeling behavior,
must be leading, open to taking risks and above all keen to learn. In
addition the Quality Educator also models tolerance, global awareness
and reflective practice, whether it is the quiet, personal inspection of
their teaching and learning process or through blogs, twitter and
All children have the right to equal educational opportunities. By
employing innovative ideas, elementary schools across the country can
set the foundation for secondary and college educators to continue
gender-neutral practices that will level the playing field for all
students. TEACHERS need to deal with perfection and excellence
through CONNECT which implies towards………….
C : Creating
O : Opportunities
N : New
N : Networks
E : Experiencing
C : Collaboration
T : Teaching
Also with this the students learning must be looked at through the
Identification of strengths and learning needs. One need to monitor the
student’s progress and provide the feedback timely so as to explore the
corrective action to it.
In a nutshell a Quality Educator
needs to preface of the following with the children to be popular viz:
Acknowledge, Investigate, Emphathize, Adjust, Set Goals, Set free and
Celebrate. The teacher is a unique teacher, a Quality Educator when he
gives the children something to take home to think about besides
homework. The teachers further need to give the children the ability to
work and do the job with the best of mode possible. They need to as well
impart the ability to find and use information with critical
discrimination in order to build knowledge. The initiative must be to
Learn Together, Network Together and Grow Together. As above all the
fact remains to ponder over as “ Today’s Students are no longer the
people our educational system was designed to teach”. This is the GOOGLE
GENERATION and is very hard to satisfy unless or until it is celebrated
and honoured with recognition. One hence needs to INSPIRE, Explore and
above all Innovate. The priority must be on Every Student to be a
Critical Thinker, A problem solver, an Innovator, an effective
collaborator, an effective communicator, a self directed learner, must
have a complete literacy towards Information and Media Literacy,
globally aware and above all Financially and Economically Literate. The
aim should be to promote our students to be effective 21st Century Citizens.
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