Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Competent leaders drive results, develop star performers, and get a group of people to productively complete the right work. They inspire and motivate people, resonating energy and enthusiasm. Resonant leaders connect with others by being self-aware and empathetic. Leadership requires the ability to manage and retain top talent.
Each of the competencies below is linked to outstanding executive success. It is based on the emotional intelligence competencies used by effective leaders. Selecting strategies that result in positive outcomes is evidence you are skilled in these competencies.
Score each item according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.
The Scale: 5(always), 4(often), 3(sometimes), 2 (rarely), 1(never)
I convey excitement and enthusiasm that motivates employees.

I am open, honest, and candid when dealing with others.

I understand and accept responsibility to teach, coach, and counsel.

I foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals.

I am open about values, intentions and actions.

I feel pressured by too many demands from clients/customers/boss.

I involve others in decisions that affect them.

I develop people by focusing on their strengths.

I engender trust by acting with integrity.

I enlist others in a common vision, and am an agent of change.

I provide people meaningful work.

I create a collaborative and team-based culture.

I show employees they are appreciated on a regular basis.

I create an environment for learning including training.

I help followers understand their role in achieving business objectives.

I communicate optimism about the future.

I demonstrate flexibility regarding work-life balance.

I hire people where there is a good cultural fit.

I face moral and ethical dilemmas, and create a culture of values.

In difficult times, I replace uncertainty and fear with purpose and courage.


You are doing a great job as a leader. Congratulations! Executive coaching may help you achieve even higher levels of performance.
You have a number of leadership strengths. However, there is still room for improvement. You might benefit from taking a High Performance Leadership workshop.   Consider executive coaching to help you further develop your retention skills and learn new strategies.
You demonstrate some leadership strengths, but there is room for development. You need to change certain behaviors and learn new skills. Don’t walk…RUN to a High Performance Leadership workshop.  Strongly consider executive coaching.

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