Friday, August 17, 2012

How Teachers Can Stay Energized in a Stressful Situation

“Teacher, teacher,” someone is calling out from his desk. It takes a few seconds for me to realize that the title of teacher belongs to me. I look up to see a boy waving his hands. I read his name tag, smile kindly, and respond. “Luke, my name is Mrs. Maple, not teacher. How can I help you?”
This exchange on my first day of school lasted all of thirty seconds, but it is cemented in my memory forever. I was a real teacher. I had my own class. In those thirty seconds, I felt complete panic—and euphoria.
Sadly, panic is the emotion that seems to stick with many teachers; their sense of exhilaration can fade quickly in light of the demands of the classroom. As a result, many teachers leave the profession after the first few years.
Keeping fresh and motivated is not easy. With my 20 years in the classroom, however, I have seen how teachers sustain their verve. Here are six critical points I share with new teachers to help them in their transition from a brand-new, overwhelmed teacher to a brand-new, confident teacher.
  1. Acknowledge your own limitations and accept being new:
This is hard for new teachers because no one wants to feel that
he can’t do his job. An excellent first-year teacher said a parent 
had complained that she didn’t give enough homework. She 
humbly explained to the parent that this was her first year of 
teaching, that she was still figuring things out, and that she 
would appreciate any helpful comments. It takes a lot of courage 
to admit you don’t know it all, but it’s what the wisest people do.
  1. Choose one subject area in which to focus:
My cousin, who was a 4th grade teacher when I entered my first
year of teaching, told me to choose one subject area on which to
focus my professional development. I chose language arts to 
build depth in my teaching. I felt guilty teaching math and other
subject areas straight from the curriculum guides. I knew there
was more to good teaching. But in my first year, I simply had no
time to do more. The following year, I chose to improve my 
curriculum knowledge in math.
  1. Observe the culture and climate of the school and listen:
A neighbor of mine started teaching 2nd grade after first 
teaching  kindergarten. She said it was like starting over. 
Not wanting to “rock the boat” by questioning a well established
team of teachers’ methods and activities, she wisely realized that
she needed to observe the teachers with their 2nd grade students 
before offering comments or suggestions. Teachers can gain 
considerable insight by being quiet and listening to others.
  1. Set routines in classroom and homework:
For classroom management—and your sanity—you must
schedule set times to cover certain subjects. Most elementary 
schools have language arts in the first two hours of the morning. 
Math, social studies, and science are then taught in the afternoon.
Establish a similar calendar for your students. And remember, if 
library, computer lab, or an assembly is canceled, independent 
reading—often left out of the schedule—is an instructionally 
sound activity that you can use at anytime. As for homework, I 
have found that designating certain days for homework in 
different curricular areas saves time. For example, I give reading 
and summarizing (language arts) on Monday and Tuesday. 
Wednesday is social studies or science homework. Thursday is 
math and I don’t generally give homework on Fridays. The 
simplicity in the routine in no way makes for simple homework. 
Be thoughtful about the work you assign. Homework should 
parallel the instruction of the classroom, and the students should 
be able to work independently to complete the assignments.
  1. Stay open and be reflective:
I know many well-organized and competent teachers who 
sometimes seem so busy teaching curriculum that they forget the 
child. It’s understandable. I know when I am rushed and cover 
content quickly, I feel like I really haven’t taught; I just 
delivered. How do I know the students really learned?
Don’t rely solely on the results of end-of-the-unit-tests—those 
are just one way to measure student growth. Take time to 
observe your students. Keep anecdotal records to determine 
student development in a non-threatening environment.
All teachers should stay open to suggestions. I have heard 
teachers mock parents when they question them about giving too 
much homework or not enough. Listen carefully to all comments 
and try not to get offended. Although you may believe that the 
opinions of parents are uninformed, their comments are another 
source of data you can use to improve your instruction.
  1. Stay positive:
Take your career seriously—not yourself. After a few years, 
some teachers become bitter, but how you conduct yourself is a 
choice. Teaching can be a rewarding career and, after 20 years in
 the field, I still can’t imagine working in any other profession. 
I’ve maintained my enthusiasm by reading professional journals 
and new publications. The more I learn and read about what 
other people are doing, the more I grow as an educator. 
Surprising as it may sound, not many teachers keep up 
professionally, and I think it builds insecurity in their craft. The 
more you study the research, the more you will find information 
to help support your teaching practices. Finally, keep a sense of 
humor. So much joy lies in the hard work of teaching. Try to 
remember the children in your classroom haven’t been on the 
planet that long. Don’t lose sight that they are acting like children
because they are children. Try to remember your first-day 
euphoria—and have fun. 

- Leslie T. Maple, ‘Classroom Leadership’.

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